
Diablo 2 gameplay
Diablo 2 gameplay

diablo 2 gameplay

Granted, most of the equipment you find is not all that useful - and this is where Diablo II starts to show its age. Defeating enemies feels rewarding, since you never know what they might drop, whether it’s a lifesaving potion, or a powerful piece of unique equipment. This has been one of Diablo’s biggest draws ever since the first game. Gathering loot is the other big part of the equation. Combat is always simple, but not always easy, thanks to a huge variety of procedurally generated enemies and levels. A Necromancer might hang back and let scads of skeletons do his dirty work, while an Assassin might disable powerful foes with martial arts while picking off weaker ones with traps. Managing huge crowds of enemies is an interesting challenge, since each class has a somewhat different approach to it. As such, the vast majority of Diablo II: Resurrected is clicking on enemies as quickly as humanly possible, occasionally retreating to quaff a health or mana potion.

Diablo 2 gameplay