
Warhammer chaos quotes
Warhammer chaos quotes

  • ▲ Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage.
  • Each is a paragon amongst his warrior brethren, for he has trod the path of damnation for many years and holds the favour of the Dark Gods. Even their frightful reputation is a weapon in its own right, crippling those who would stand against them before a single blow is struck. They are towering brutes atop immensely powerful Chaos Steeds, rider and mount clad in thickest plate, each section of armour crafted by a master Daemonsmith.

    warhammer chaos quotes warhammer chaos quotes

    Chaos Knights are feared throughout the Old World and beyond as merciless butchers capable of turning the course of battle with a single charge.

    Warhammer chaos quotes